ACT Holiday Video

From the bottom of our hearts, the Alaska Children’s Trust team wishes you a happy and healthy holiday season. We hope this season you give yourself the gift of rest, recuperation, and meaningful time with family and friends.

This year you have done an amazing job of showing up for us. You’ve given us so much to be thankful for- your support, partnership, and generosity. Despite challenges, together we have made strides to positively impact Alaska’s children, youth, and families and ensure they gain the knowledge, skills, support, and resources to thrive.

This holiday season we are especially grateful to each and every one of you for your care and commitment to children and youth. Together, we can ensure that all of Alaska’s greatest gifts, our children and youth, have a bright future.

If you’d like to make a donation to ACT this holiday season, you can do so by calling us at 907-248-7676 or by clicking here.

Our 2023 Holiday Video


Older Holiday Videos





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